Everville: The First Pillar Read online

Page 15

  I left the boat with a small contingent of Fron that would accompany me along the path to the band of vegetation. As quietly as possible, we left the tunnel and quickly walked towards the sides of the valley. Behind us, most of the Fron exited the boats and lined up along the pathway on the side of the tunnel just before the entrance to the valley.

  Ewan was still the head of the mountain dwellers, but he had made a strategic decision that it was time to join forces with Them to avoid being taken over. It was a distinction without a difference and one in time he would come to regret.

  The Fron could not see the mountain dwellers that led the front of the army because of their ropes of invisibility, but luckily Anika and Dante’s view through the portal alerted me to their locations. I directed the Fron with my hand to follow me on the right side of the valley just before we put on our ropes. We tied the ropes to ourselves connecting each of us together in order to stay aware of each other’s position. We continued beyond halfway to where we were going to start our ascent. We had to wait for the start of the battle before we progressed any further.

  The captain of the Fron army decided to exit the tunnels. With that, the mountain dwellers were alerted to their presence and notified the rest of the armies of Them. The mountain dwellers did not want any of the Fron escaping back through the tunnels, so they waited until all the Fron they could see had existed in the hopes of drawing them all out into The Valley of Darkness. With the focus of the mountain dwellers on the Fron, we decided to continue moving forward.

  Once the last of the Fron had left the tunnel, Ewan instructed the mountain dwellers to jump towards the valley floor. Ewan jumped first, and then the rest of them followed. Just before they landed, the rope of invisibility slowed their descent and landing. After the last of the mountain dwellers that were riding the dog-like creatures arrived at the valley floor, they started their race towards the army of the Fron.

  The large animals that were carrying the mountain dwellers were incredibly strong and were not slowed down by their new masters. Instead, they approached the army of the Fron with greater swiftness than they had approached The Keeper when he was in the valley. It didn’t seem possible that the creatures could be any more possessed than what was already in their nature, but the influence of Them had a clear and measurable effect.

  Toe and the captain of the Fron army had instructed a small group of Fron to stay hidden within the caves along with several massive fire-throwing, catapulting contraptions that they would use against the army once they were in reach. They were positioned behind a couple of empty boats just out of view of the mountain dwellers. When he gave the order, they would emerge from behind the empty boats and launch as many large fire-covered tar balls in the direction of the mountain dwellers as possible.

  The Fron army could not see the first wave of mountain dwellers, but they could hear the creatures that they were riding. The sounds of the animals grew louder and louder. They could hear the vicious, bone-chilling snarls and growls getting ever so close. The first wave of the mountain dwellers was not more than a few hundred yards away from the entrance.

  With the loud noise from the approaching mountain dwellers acting as cover, we took the opportunity to run as quickly as possible to the band of vegetation. It was difficult to run while not being able to see one another, and we kept stumbling upon ourselves as we continued along the way. We were out of breath but relatively unscathed from the daring run. We collected our gear and started our ascent up the concave valley wall towards the mountaintop.

  Anika and Dante watched intently, readying themselves to assist me at any given moment. Through their eyes, I could see a small opening on the mountaintop near the edge of the cliff. Slowly and carefully, I assisted the Fron over the mountaintop. We walked just far enough away from the cliff edge where we could still see the army of the Fron.

  The mountain dwellers were approaching the entrance. The captain of the Fron army signaled the boats. The catapults launched the first volley of fireballs. The true war had begun.



  The Keepers, along with Sako and a few other Fron, watched through the portal in The Keeper’s Workshop. They had to constantly repair the breaches that were opening up on the portal. They were getting longer and more frequent. The Keeper used all the tools at his disposal to shore up the portal in the event soldiers from the army of Them broke through the portal. All the special devices, powerful objects, energy, and connections from other times and places were ready to defend Everville from the pending onslaught from the dark soldiers.

  Likewise, the other Keeper and the cowardly Fron that had joined Them were also watching, as was Samil from his estate in Easton Falls. They were both sending energy to the mountain dwellers and the army of Them in the hopes of a quick annihilation of the Fron. Anika and Dante, however, waited with patience to assist me at the time of my greatest need.

  I could not wait any longer to see the outcome of the battle. We had to move forward. The second front of the army of Them and the inhabitants of the Dark Forest left little room to maneuver around the mountaintop, but we moved as best we could. Occasionally, the invisible Fron would accidentally bump into one of the soldiers but remained undetected. The soldiers paid little attention to the offending Fron as the density of the army lent itself to frequent collisions.

  The volley of fireballs landed squarely in the midst of the mountain dwellers’ position. The first fireball landed, colliding with several of the creatures and half a dozen mountain dwellers. The creatures ran towards the river to quench the flames that lit up their body fur. The ropes burned, losing their power and revealing the dead and dying mountain dwellers that were victims of the first strike.

  The Fron launched a second set of fireballs and then a third. The bodies of the creatures began to pile up in the river, making it difficult for the other animals to reach the water in time. The fire began to burn, deforming the creatures that were hit by the successive rounds of fireballs. The stench from the burning flesh became suffocating, gradually drifting in the direction of the Fron.

  Hundreds of mountain dwellers continued to advance, just waiting for the last fireball to make the push into the front lines. The number of the dead mountain dwellers and the animals they rode continued to pile up, but the situation quickly changed once the last fireball was hurled in their direction.

  The small contingent of mountain dwellers that had taken cover under the valley caves now came out from hiding in full view. They were expert bowmen and lined up in succession to take aim at the Fron. With the first round of arrows that raced in the air, hundreds of Fron were hit. The arrows pierced the flesh of many and killed many more.

  I could see the unfolding battle through the eyes of my friends, but I had to move forward. Once the final round of arrows was launched, the second wave of the army would pour from the mountaintop and race down the valley floor. We had precious little time to reach The First Pillar and find a resolution. We moved with impressive speed along the mountaintop, nearly stumbling off the edge on occasion.

  Anika and Dante continued to watch over me as I continued along my journey. We had to reach the mountain pass in short order, but we could not make it across the bridge. The supporting Fron and I would have to scale the face of both sides of the mountain pass in order to get around the bridge. There was nothing I could do to speed up the journey, and it meant many good Fron would die in battle along the way.

  The ropes would protect us and slow our ascent in the event of a steep fall, but large protruding rocks and branches still presented a danger if we did fall. We quickly descended the face of the mountain at the pass, trying our best not to slip in the process. Just before we reached the bottom of the crevasse, I slipped and fell back hitting my head on one of the large stones.

  Anika and Dante quickly channeled their energy to me, giving me as much strength as I needed to prevent any serious damage. Fortunately, the injury was
minor and it did not require much. We continued across the bottom of the crevasse and started the ascent up the other side.

  Once we reached the other side and the top of the next mountain face, we quickly hurried down the mountain towards the Dark Forest. The number of soldiers waiting on the other side was still vast, but the numbers thinned out as they continued in the direction of the forest. About halfway between the mountain pass and the forest, we were able to run. We were still invisible and had to limit our speed, but it was a welcome change.

  Back at the entrance to The Valley of Darkness, the army of Fron had been reduced by a third due to deaths from the arrows. Finally, though, the arrows stopped. The brief silence signaled the next phase of the battle and with it the descent of the second wave of the army of Them.

  Tens of thousands of soldiers from the inhabitants of the Dark Forest and surrounding lands poured into the valley. The Fron separated on each side of the river allowed the giants to climb through the tunnels and onto the valley floor. The giants ran towards the mountain dwellers and began indiscriminately smashing them one by one, but the giants could only do so much once the reinforcements from the second wave entered the valley floor. The Fron released the remaining creatures they had at their disposal into the valley to join the fight. It would buy them some time, but it was not nearly enough.

  Several of the inhabitants and a few of the mountain dwellers were able to penetrate the army of the Fron and enter the tunnels. The tunnels were largely unprotected, as the Fron had needed all available manpower to assist in the battle. The soldiers that broke through, raced through the tunnels and the darkness from The Other In Between came alongside them. They speedily approached the entrance to the barren desert and to the portal leading to Everville. They were mere moments away. The Keepers braced for the worst as the approach of the soldiers loomed.

  I continued running and finally reached the entrance of the Dark Forest. We could no longer remain hidden, as we needed illumination to see through the forest floor. The Fron took out their lighting sticks, and we raced along.

  The enlistment of the soldiers from surrounding realms meant that the forest still had soldiers that were heading towards the front line of the battle, though they were spaced out rather far apart. Before we could reach the end of the forest, a few of the soldiers had taken notice. They alerted the other soldiers in the area and began chasing us.

  Anika and Dante gave us just enough energy to outrun them. The soldiers continued to chase, but to no avail. We had reached the end of the forest and jumped over the ravine that separated it from the The First Pillar. I rushed through the entrance of The First Pillar as the Fron waited outside.

  I hurried along the pathway leading through the center of the pillar; a figure appeared before me. The face was hidden from view.

  “What do you seek?”

  “I seek to stop the armies of Them from entering the portal to Everville. I want to save the army of the Fron from Them.”

  “As I have told those before you, a great evil has caused the breach. It is always caused by a betrayal from those you know and collusion with the darkness that has placed your world in this predicament. What greater good do you offer to offset the great evil that is responsible?”

  “I’m not sure what I can offer that qualifies as a greater good, but what do you propose?”

  “Toe was largely responsible for turning many of the Fron towards Them. As a result, Them sent Nissa and their children to The Other In Between. If you can find the courage to sacrifice yourself and take the place of Toe’s family, the breach can be weakened for a short time, and the armies can be halted. You must understand that the darkness has become so pervasive that it, as of yet, cannot be completely stopped, but it will win you this battle.”

  Anika and Dante watched in horror as they contemplated the loss of their friend. They knew the type of person I was, and they knew what decision I was going to make.

  At the entrance of The Valley of Darkness, the army of Them had nearly overwhelmed the Fron. Creatures of various sizes and shapes fought with confidence and pleasure as they pushed back the Fron. The army of the Fron grew weak and had taken massive casualties. One of the creatures swung a large flail in the direction of Toe. The chain carried at its end a large spiked metal ball. The spiked ball at the end of the flail struck Toe with tremendous force, knocking him to the ground.

  At that moment, Anika and Dante gave as much energy as they could to Toe and a few of the surrounding Fron. Samil and the other Keeper did the same to the army of Them. The two armies surged towards each other with renewed vigor. At the same time, I accepted the offer from The First Pillar and agreed to take the place of Nissa and her children in order to stop the breach. With that, the army of Them were broken.

  I was transported to The Other In Between and Toe’s family was transported back to their village home in the Land of the Fron.

  Anika and Dante had managed to prevent the death of Toe. He was still in serious condition, but he would survive. The army of the Fron began gathering their dead and began taking them back through the tunnels. Slowly they reached the portal and crossed back over into Everville. The giants did the same and retreated back to their home in the underground tunnels.

  The armies of Them in The Valley of Darkness were weakened and no longer possessed, and the portal protecting Everville was reinforced.

  The First Pillar had halted the advance of Them and prevented any further movement towards Everville. The army of Them and the inhabitants of the Dark Forest returned to the realms surrounding The Other In Between in shame and defeat.

  Later, the injured but joyous Toe was brought to his village home and reunited with his family. The emotion that they experienced was indescribable. It was Toe’s betrayal that had resulted in their separation and the extended stay of his family in The Other In Between, but they had forgiven him.

  The victory of the Fron was cause for celebration. The Keeper and Fron prepared a massive feast. It was the greatest feast ever thrown in the Land of the Fron. The Keepers, who were normally reserved and watchful, joined in with the Fron to celebrate the defeat of the evil forces that had nearly destroyed their land.

  The victory was impressive, but it came at great cost. Two-thirds of the Fron lay dead. The Keeper and the Fron that had betrayed them were exiled to walk the brutal desert. More importantly, the battle was just one of many that would follow. The war was just beginning.



  I stood in the midst of the mindless horde that populated The Other In Between. The bodies of the horde moved in a disturbingly eerie manner. Their motion was expressionless and empty, a reflection of what their souls had become.

  I stayed there for only a brief moment before The First Pillar brought me back.

  “Your willingness to sacrifice yourself in order to stop the breach and save the army of Fron demonstrated great courage. One of the foundations of truth in the universe is that courage is required of any truly great species, and not just any courage. A lust for death and a willingness to die does not constitute courage. Courage is when you are willing to sacrifice your short-term desires for a greater purpose. Courage is when you are willing to live and endure suffering to achieve a greater end.”

  The First Pillar showed me the eight realms surrounding The Other In Between and the eight lands above Everville. The Dark Forest was just one of those realms. In the other lands, The First Pillar showed me the armies that were preparing for war. Massive armies were being assembled. Large war machines were being constructed. Plans were being devised. It wouldn’t happen right away, but more battles had to be fought. More truths had to be uncovered. More secrets had to be revealed before the breach could be completely sealed and safety returned to Everville and the earthly realm.

  The First Pillar transported me back to the inner room of the Echo Club. Anika looked like a ghost. The red color from her face had been completely lost. She was in shock.
At the moment of my appearance, Anika ran towards me and squeezed me harder than I ever remembered being squeezed by anyone, and then she planted a great big kiss on my cheek.

  “I’m so glad to see you, Owen! I thought you were lost forever to The Other In Between.”

  I was pleased to see her as well, but the joy on her face quickly faded, and I wondered what the cause was.

  I turned to look at Dante and saw him motionless on the floor. In his effort to save Toe from death, he had weakened himself more then he should have. Dante was alive but unconscious.

  Cleophas and Avery did not have any good news to give. The last time this happened a few people suffered similar fates. Those left unconscious by overexertion through the portal remained that way for the rest of their lives.

  “Anika,” I said. “We will find a way to bring Dante back. I promise you. He will not stay this way forever. We will find a solution and bring him out of this. There must be a way, and I’m going to find it.”

  She was still feeling the tremendous loss of Dante, but I was convincing. My words provided her the comfort she needed, and she was willing to assist me in doing whatever it took to save Dante from a life of a never-ending coma.

  After coming to terms with what had happened, we collected ourselves and gathered our things. Cleophas opened the door to the main room in the Echo Club. It was completely destroyed. All of the windows and glass were shattered. Everything else had been strewn across the floor, drenched and battered.

  Anika and I walked across campus in the direction of our dorms. What we saw was utter devastation. The magnificent trees that dotted the campus were now gone. The roofs were ripped off many of the buildings. The scene continued until we reached our own dorms, both of which were unharmed.